The KID-DEE-LITE is an orthotic component that enables a dynamic treatment of a child’s foot by providing support and correction of paediatric orthopaedic conditions. KID-DEE-LITE is the smallest ankle joint available with 40 degrees plantar-dorsi adjustment, used in dynamic custom moulded foot and ankle orthoses. This orthotic component allows for a wide range of rotational control within the ankle joint while providing stabilisation for critical management of achieved correction.

This ankle joint is small and light, fitting paediatric ankle foot orthoses of children younger than 5 years of age or below 25 kg of weight. The KID-DEE-LITE kit includes, an alignment tube, straight and curved uprights, assembled joints and mounting components


  • Smallest available ankle joint for dynamic custom molded AFO’s
  • 40 degree plantar-dorsi flexion adjustment allowing for a wide range of ROM control within the ankle joint
  • Allows for the prompt dynamic management for the child with neuromuscular disorders
  • Allow for the critical management of achieved correction
  • Improvement of gait
  • Positive influence on muscle tone
  • Prevention of contractures


The KID-DEE-LITE orthotic component may be part of a custom paediatric foot and ankle orthosis as the prompt dynamic management for the child with neuromuscular disorders such as Spina Bifida and Cerebral Palsy. It may also be used to maintain critical correction, improve gait, influence muscle tone and prevent contractures.

Sizing and specifications

  • One size
  • Children less than 5 years/weighting below 25kg
  • Kit includes, an alignment tube, straight and curved uprights, assembled joints and mounting components